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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the tangible presence of God in your home? To experience His blessing in every area of your life? The story of Obed-Edom in 2 Samuel 6:11-12 gives us a glimpse into this transformative power:

"The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the Lord blessed him and his entire household. Now King David was told, 'The Lord has blessed the household of Obed-Edom and everything he has because of the ark of God.'"

This passage reveals a profound truth: The presence of God brings the blessing of God. For Obed-Edom, hosting the ark of the covenant—a symbol of God's presence—resulted in a comprehensive blessing that touched every aspect of his life. His relationships, children, health, crops, herds, and finances all flourished under the influence of God's presence.

But what does this mean for us today?

As believers, we are not just observers of God's presence—we are carriers of it. The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 8:9-10 that Christ lives in us through His Spirit. This indwelling presence of God is not passive; it's active and transformative. Just as the ark brought blessing to Obed-Edom's household, the Spirit of God within us has the power to change our lives and the world around us.

We are, in essence, spiritual environmentalists. Our calling is not just to preserve our own spiritual well-being but to actively change the environment around us through the power of God's presence within us. When we align ourselves with God's plans and purposes, He uses us as conduits of His transformative power in the world.

But how do we practically live as spiritual environmentalists? Here are four foundational principles to guide us:

1. Choose Hope Over Fear

In a world often dominated by negativity and despair, we are called to be people of hope. This isn't mere optimism or positive thinking; it's a deep-rooted confidence in God's goodness and faithfulness. We are to speak hope, bring hope, and live hope in every situation we encounter. Our words and actions should inspire others to look beyond their current circumstances and see the possibilities that God offers.

2. Embrace Love Over Performance

In a culture that often values what people do over who they are, we're called to a different standard. We're to love people for who they are and where they are, not for what they can do or achieve. This unconditional, unreserved love reflects the heart of God and has the power to break down barriers and heal wounds. It means approaching others with open hands and open hearts, ready to give and receive without expectation or judgment.

3. Pursue Healing Over Hatred

As bearers of God's presence, we are to be agents of healing in a broken world. This means choosing forgiveness over resentment, reconciliation over division, and restoration over condemnation. We are called to be a "house of healing" where grace, mercy, life, freedom, and deliverance are freely available. By embodying these qualities, we create spaces where people can encounter the transformative power of God's love and find wholeness.

4. Focus on the Long Game Over Short-Term Gains

In an age of instant gratification, we're called to adopt a long-term perspective. This means staying focused on what God has shown us, even when immediate results aren't visible. It involves being faithful to the opportunities God sets before us, practicing patience, and building credibility and trust over time. By maintaining this long-term focus, we position ourselves to have a lasting impact on the world around us.

As we embrace these principles, we become more effective spiritual environmentalists, capable of changing the atmosphere wherever we go. But it's important to remember that this power doesn't come from our own strength or abilities—it flows from the presence of God within us.

Consider for a moment the environments you inhabit daily: your home, workplace, school, or community. How might these spaces be transformed if you fully embraced your role as a carrier of God's presence? What if you consistently chose hope over fear, love over performance, healing over hatred, and long-term faithfulness over short-term gains?

The potential for transformation is limitless. Just as Obed-Edom's entire household was blessed by the presence of the ark, our spheres of influence can be radically changed by the presence of God working through us. We have the opportunity to create environments where people encounter God's love, experience His healing, and are inspired to hope.

This calling to be spiritual environmentalists is both a privilege and a responsibility. It requires intentionality, courage, and perseverance. There will be challenges and opposition, but we can take heart in knowing that the same power that blessed Obed-Edom's household is at work in and through us.

As we go about our daily lives, let's be mindful of the divine presence we carry. Let's look for opportunities to speak words of hope, extend unconditional love, offer healing, and maintain a long-term perspective. In doing so, we participate in God's ongoing work of transformation in the world.

Remember, you are not just living in your environment—you have the power to change it. Your words, actions, and very presence can shift atmospheres, open hearts, and pave the way for God's kingdom to break through in tangible ways.

So, let us embrace our identity as spiritual environmentalists with enthusiasm and purpose. Let us be bold in allowing God's presence to flow through us, confident that as we do, lives will be changed, communities will be transformed, and the world will be impacted for the better.

The presence of God that once resided in the ark now lives in you. How will you allow that presence to bless and transform the world around you today?