Lead Pastor
Job Summary

City Light Church, a welcoming and engaged faith community in Victoria, BC, seeks a long-term pastoral leader to guide the church into an exciting new chapter. The ideal candidate will have strong leadership skills, a proven commitment to biblical preaching and teaching, a team-building mindset and a track record of community engagement.

Church Overview

We are...

  • Rooted in ACOP values with a balanced theological approach.
  • Strong volunteerism, unity, and a passion for worship and God’s Word.
  • Committed to local community outreach and kingdom-minded collaboration.
  • We own a historic church building that also serves as a community hub.
Key Ministries

Worship: Talented team with room for growth.

Life Groups: Thriving and integral to church life.

Children’s Ministry: Small but deeply invested.

Community Engagement: Actively reaching the Gorge-Tillicum neighbourhood.

Ideal Candidate

Experience: 10–15 years in ministry, preferably in multi-staff settings.

Citizenship: Must be a Canadian citizen.

Credentials: Eligible for ACOP credentialing.

Key Qualities: Christlike character, strong preacher/teacher, strategic thinker, team-builder, and prayerful leader. 

Musical/worship leadership skills are a plus.


This role is an opportunity to lead a church experiencing renewal and growth, with a vision for deep local impact and bold steps of faith.

For more information on our application process, click here.