Welcome Kids!

At City Light our vision is to partner with parents as they build strong families and raise children who love Jesus. We believe every child matters to God. We are passionate about modelling and teaching Jesus to our littlest family members. An exciting life with Jesus can begin at any age.

Our Values

Our Values describe and prescribe the culture of City Light Kids ministry. Love God, love people, do your best, and have fun!

"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong."

Ephesians 3:7

Kids remain in the main auditorium with their family during the first part of our Sunday Service. After the singing, kids are released to participate in a class tailored for them.

Parent Child Dedication

At City Light Church, we offer the opportunity for you to dedicate your children to Jesus.

This is a time where we are reminded that our children are a gift from God, He created them, and He has a plan for them. We as parents have an important responsibility to teach our children about God. This is both humbling and comforting.

At a Parent Child Dedication we ask our church family to support and pray over each family.

If you are wanting to dedicate your children alongside your church family, we would love to create that opportunity and share this special moment with you.